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Learning Disability

LEARNING DISABILITY  is a term used to describe a range of learning problems. It is known a “ hidden disability” as it presents itself without any physical or sensory deficits.

A child is not considered to have learning disability if the learning problems are due to another cause, such as

a. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
b. intellectual disability
c. lack of instruction
d. hearing, vision, or motor problem.

The difficulties in learning is more to do with the way the brain gets, uses, stores, and sends out information. The difficulties the child faces , fall into three broad categories

a. Dyslexia ( Difficulty in Reading)
b. Dysgraphia ( Difficulty in Writing)
c. Dyscalculia( Difficulty in Math)

“Red Flags” of Dyslexia

Difficulty in recognizing letters
Difficulty in phonological skills
Difficulty in rhyming words
Difficulty in pronunciation of words
Slow in learning to read
Inadequate vocabulary
Inversion and reversals with letters / words
Hesitant to read aloud
Misread common words
Difficulty in comprehending the text

“Red Flags” of Dyscalculia

Avoids colouring ,drawing and tracing
Difficulty with fine motor activities ( picking grains , buttoning , lacing , crumpling paper)
Incorrect grip
Illegible or incorrect letter/ word formation
Difficulty in copying
Inappropriate spacing of letters and words on the page
Incomplete school work
Reversals and inversions
Inconsistent use of uppercase and lowercase letters
Content matter is limited , inspite of good verbal expression
Difficulty organizing thoughts on paper
Mechanics and syntax errors in written conten

“ Red Flags” of Dysgraphia

• Difficulty in counting
• Difficulty in recognizing shapes and patterns
• Inability to understand Pre Math concepts such as Big/ small , more/ less
• Poor memory of Math facts
• Confusion with basic mathematical signs and symbols
• Difficulty in understanding place value
• Makes errors while reading, writing or recalling numbers
• Calculation errors
• Difficulty in reading graphs
• Difficulty with time and direction

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